Giant Building Blocks Made From Recycled Shipping Boxes!


Playing with blocks is the best! These GIANT cardboard blocks are from our book, Paper Goods Projects, and are made from recycled boxes*. They're perfect for creating a fort, bridge, town, or whatever your kid comes up with!
assorted large boxes
hot glue
newspaper or drop cloth
1. If your boxes have too much printing on them and you’d like a plain box, you can turn them inside out. If your boxes are already flattened (box flaps flipped open at each end), you are halfway there. If not, remove the tape and open the flaps. Find the glued seam at one edge of the box, and peel it open. Your box should be completely flatten-able now. Reglue the other side of the flap that you just opened so that the box will be inside out. Glue the flaps closed.

2. Spread the newspaper out on the floor, and put the boxes on it. Paint the sides of the boxes solid colors, or paint letters, geometric shapes, or anything you’d like. Let them dry completely.

*Extra note of caution: Please wash your hands well after receiving packages and set the boxes aside for 24 hours before handling/painting them, just to be safe (According to the National Institute of Health, the virus that causes coronavirus can live up up to 24 hours on cardboard)