A Snack + Craft Activity from the Pantry: Snacklaces!


If you’re lucky enough to have some extra dried treats and cereals in your pantry, you probably have everything you need for an activity that is also a snack (the best kind of activity)!


Cereal and pretzel “snacklaces” require little more than kitchen twine. As an activity for little kids, it is a chance to talk about colors or patterning and sequencing...and it is fun! Set out some bowls of cereal or pretzels, all with holes for threading string through. I’ve made these with dried fruit too: this best for kids old enough to use a needle (clean the needle first).

Kitchen twine, bakery twine, or even shoestring licorice can all be used for lacing. If the string unwinds and is difficult to thread though the cereal you can use a dull plastic needle (available at craft and sewing stores) or stiffen the end of the string by tightly rolling some thin transparent tape around it (and make sure to cut the taped bit off before eating)
Have fun! And please tag @supermakeit to share your snack-y creations!