Easy Folded Paper Leaves for Your Thanksgiving Table!


As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been contributing craft ideas to the incredible At Home section of the New York Times for the last few months. Because we’re not all able to get to stores like we once did, they have asked me to create crafts where newspaper is the main “art” supply (like these newspaper crows, this newspaper flower wreath, rolled newspaper beads, and paper mache animal masks! This month, I made accordion-folded paper leaves to decorate your holiday table!


An easy and inexpensive decoration, like these paper leaves, is perfect whether you’re hosting guests or sharing a meal via Zoom. It’s worth the effort to dress up your table to make the day feel different, special even!

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Before cutting and folding the leaves, I painted the newspaper with acrylic craft paint which strengthens it a bit and gives it a slightly leathery finish.

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Click over to The New York Times At Home section for the full how-to.

Happy Thanksgiving! xo