Best Use of a Cardboard Box Ever: Candy ATM!
/all photos by Lucy Schaeffer
I recently had the pleasure of working with the super talented photographer, Lucy Schaeffer. We were shooting a craft story for Family Fun magazine involving large cardboard boxes (which I am excited to share as soon as it comes out!). She told me about the candy ATM (yes, a candy ATM!) that she and her two daughters, Georgia and Annie, made together using a giant cardboard box.
Annie was inspired by Sprinkles' Cupcake ATM. Lucy said her girls loved it "mostly because they LOVE candy and don't usually get that much so this was heaven. ".
Lucy said "they also loved showing off to friends who came over and taking turns 'running' the ATM from the inside. You placed your order by writing it on a piece of paper and dropping in the slot, then the person on the inside filled the order and your candy came shooting out from the other side." So much fun!
The kid-painted type is the best!
Note the paper towel tube to dispense candy into an egg carton kind of craft supplies!
After a couple days, Lucy took all the candy out and replaced with Cheerios, raisins, and other healthier snacks. The kids were definitely not supportive of this switch but still liked playing with it."
Thank you, Lucy, for letting me share your fun project and photos!! Check out more of Lucy's beautiful work here.
And if you like crafts + candy, check out our first book, Candy Aisle Crafts! :)